Monday 18 April 2016

The Prediction!

The Prediction!
Madame Hillary Clinton will take President Oath becoming the 45th U.S. Commander in Chief in 2017. No other presidential candidates would be better qualified and have extremely enough experiences and a variety of life and career position to handle the big job as the United States of America President. The prediction will be announced it from today, before the end of Democratic primary and in ahead of the general election. What Americans need is a leader who could deliver a crucial planning to every single of American, make it through Congress from day one?  At this urgent stage, what Americans need is an evolution, not a revolution. We are not at an American Revolution war in 1775-1783 time of period. American has been independence for more than 230 years, and American is the most freedom and democratic nation in the world. American also an only one superpower in the World, we are in progress to grow the economy, remain the best military, restore prosperity and rebuild reputation to the Free World.

As an outstanding for president and an extended period of advocating candidate is always fighting for the best of the American public where she got a full of a gut to complete this highest ranking executive position. She does not only feel the pain of American working class, know the nation’s obstacles, understanding thoroughly American politic but also deeply understand about World issues today.  As a superpower nation, President would prepare a broad and deep platform for this great country, a smart foreign policy to work with other nations. A prepared president must realize the World stage today, are facing many critical issues and know how to deal with it at daily basis. Today World has been facing many challenges in ahead, World needs clear strong and clever leadership from us, so does America needs an excellent President to run entire the World. Why Madame Hillary? Because she is an expert into the American governing and politic, she is a real fighter, an advocate for equality to all, and she is an American patriot for the only truth of one’ s ideal for uniting and restoring American credibility to the World. By doing so, a leader needed to be determined and to be an indomitable fighter for that ideal. No questioned, she was born to be a worldly-wise politician and to be an advocate for powerless people.  Since in schooling time, she is a polis, already get involved in school activities, governing associations. Since in the 80s, she already sacrifices her life to the public services, fighting not only for children, women but all within for social common sense. Indefinitely, Madame Clinton is a political veteran for the middle class; she know how important to rebuild a middle-class foundation for America Economy. This is a crucial survival base for the nation that is fighting for. Why Madame Clinton should take the presidency in 2017? Because she not only deeply understands prior American’s obstacles but also she know how to deliver American policies to the World. Foreign policy is one of important national platform protect and grow American‘s interests to more than 196 countries on the planet. No other candidates have been getting involved and worked within 112 nations like her in the time she was in the Secretary States. Why Hillary? Because American need a President, who could deliver the solution, not created it. No one has that much long time in American politics and public services experiences that makes her stronger and stronger from past mistakes as well. American needs to move forward for the growth and prosperity by a skilled leader with credibility and capability. Americans do not need any more of political talks, or full of promises that could not accomplish. America is always a country of opportunity and dream for young and immigrates. Madame Hillary Clinton is an excellent choice, a unique positioned to carry on the best future for all us and the next coming generations.

Monday 4 January 2016

U.S. Congress!

Dear Congress Representatives and Senators:

Did America have been using a soft power and applied soft foreign policy during the last 15 years? We have a frail presentation to the Free World for many past years. America has spent hundred billion dollars at every year to the defense program, from $304 billion in 2000 to reach $634 billion in 2015.America has spent far more than any countries combined while Chinas has spent about $140 billion and Russian is about $70 billion in 2015. Why we spent that much money on defenses and still could have a serious and clear foreign policy to deal with hostile regimes like Nork Korea, Iran and elsewhere? American has to change the way we conduct businesses with other superpower rivals in the all of the issues from trading, security, human rights and other sensitive matters. America’s full successful shall never come true without a country “UNITED”, United or Fail?
First America must reconsider how much we have spent, should use tax dollars wisely? Second, America should protect and rebuild a stronger economy system to the World. A middle class is a foundation of our economic system and major revenue source for the nation. America must put the Economy at the priority before anything else, and it shall pay the rest of costs we have from national defense, education, and healthcare as well as immigration and other programs we are facing the shortage budgets today.
We should stand firmly for the America's core value and make explicit orders to our military to responses and to secure the World order immediately we have set for many decades. No countries should be above laws to change or/and to establish a new World order except the United States of America’s agreement. America must send a clear message to the strongest action to any power rivals. A World War III should not have occurred, but it is a must option to make at last. American Military should have a World War III plan on the table from now; it has no time to wait for it. It never too late to deal Middle East Issue, Iran should have only one choice to make” Go with Free World or Regime change”. It was also not too late to reorder the East China Sea, and China has built and illegally set up new defense environment in the East Sea which this must be stopped and destructed immediately by power. America has a good deal with Russia, but we need to push harder on the economic sanction for a few more years. America also needs to pressure harder NATO to increase its minimum defense e budget to 2.5 percent annually to 2030. This is a key to containing Russia hostile regime for decades and make Kremlin leadership to change its stubborn attitude to the new democratic and freedom system.
America Military should share a lot higher high-tech weapons to its Allies and friends by not being interfered or being imitated by other hostile regimes. America got to make a stronger decision at what are a need and an emergency to make.
For the next commander in chief in the White House, America needs a strong and determined leadership with a vision and an experience. America needs a united nation where all parties could work together, where all American could continually contribute and work hard to rebuild this great superpower nation and restore America shortened credibility to the Free World. A Commander in Chief, who must have a decisive voice, goes along with a determined action; a president has to put American prosperity and security in the first place. An America President always carries on the American core value and spread it on along to the World at every day. This president would have only one philosophy of life “Peace, Security, Human Rights, and Justice never com free!”
God Bless our Great Nation always!